OCM Holder Roles

In addition to your Verified member role, one of the following verified OCM holder roles will be assigned to your Discord username to identify your OCM ownership.

  • OCM membership role assignments are based on the total number of OCM Genesis or Karma NFTs held across all wallets you have connected to the OCM website.

  • OCM Members are holders of OCM membership tokens, Genesis and/or Karma, whereas OCM Holders include our members plus collectors of OCM Dimensions 300.

  • Discord holder roles prefixed with 'BTC' indicate OCM Bitcoin asset ownership.

Discord RoleDescriptionOCM HolderOCM Member

Verified (white)

member of OCM Discord

Dimensions 300

Holder of historic digital artifact, OCM Dimensions 300

👑 Super Set 🍌

Holder of 20+ OCM Sets

👑 D3 / K3

BTC OnChainKing / OnChainKing 🍌 (vintage gold)

Genesis holder of 20+

BTC OnChainBoss / OnChainBoss 🍌 (yellow)

Genesis holder of 10-19

BTC OnChainTroop / OnChainTroop 🍌 (green)

Genesis holder of 5-9

BTC OnChainMonkey / OnChainMonkey 🍌 (blue)

Genesis holder of 1-4, all Genesis holders

Karma Royalty 🍌 (luminous gold)

Karma holder of 20+

Karma Boss 🍌 (light yellow)

Karma holder of 10-19

Karma Troop 🍌 (light green)

Karma holder of 5-9

Karma Monkey 🍌 (light blue)

Karma holder of 1-4, all Karma holders

  • OCM Discord moderators "Mod" are identified in red.

  • Metagood Team is in bright lime green.

  • Verification and Discord OCM holder role updates may take up to 24 hours.

  • Need help? Post your questions in Discord #❔nonholder-support/holder-support channels. Our team is here to help

  • Tag @Moderator in any Discord channel with questions, especially on inappropriate or suspicious Discord/Twitter activity, DMs or links.

Last updated