OCM Dessert
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An OCM Dessert is a tradable ERC-1155 token required to create a Katoshi.
To create a Katoshi, a Genesis is required to eat a Dessert. 1 Genesis NFT + 1 Dessert NFT → creates 1 Katoshi NFT and burns the Dessert NFT
There are 10,000 Dessert tokens, and three types of Desserts of varying rarity:
Incredible Ice Pop D1 - most common ~55%
Divine Donut D2 - less common ~45%
Celestial Cake D3 - ultra rare and most prized, only 15
True to our on-chain tradition, the animated Desserts are also on-chain and its entire collection was created in one Ethereum transaction. So, on-chain Genesis are fed on-chain Desserts!
See the OCM Dessert collection >
OCM Dessert was airdropped to OCM Genesis holders at launch on Feb. 11, 2022. The Dessert collection is only available on secondary marketplaces now.
Refer to official project and collection marketplace links. Find our official OCM links posted on our website, official Twitter page and in OCM Discord.
Verified randomization of OCM Desserts airdrop to Genesis holders on Feb. 11, 2022 was powered by Chainlink VRF.
Feed your Genesis a Dessert. Mint/Claim its Katoshi. Build towards an OCM Set. Enjoy your live minting experience and watch your newly minted Katoshi reveal.
How to Eat Desserts and Claim Your Katoshi >
How to Eat Desserts and Claim Your OCM Katoshi NFT >
A Genesis must be fed a Dessert to mint/claim its Katoshi - K1, K2 and/or K3.
Regardless of the Genesis holder, a Genesis can only be fed one Dessert of EACH type to claim the respective Katoshi. Dessert type feeding can be in any order (eg. D3, D1 then D2).
Ex. Assume holder "Mike" is the owner of Genesis #3, and Desserts D1: If "Mike" claims Katoshi using a D1: Genesis #3 + D1 --> Katoshi K1 Then "Mike" will: * continue to hold Genesis #3 (unaltered) * burned Dessert D1 token * minted/claimed and now holding a Katoshi K1 with traits evolved from Genesis #3 Assume "Mary" is now the new holder of Genesis #3, and has Desserts D1, D2 and D3: If "Mary" claims another Katoshi using a D3: Genesis #3 + D3 --> one-of-one-Katoshi K3 Then "Mary" will: * continue to hold Genesis #3 (unaltered) * burned Dessert D3 token * claimed a one-of-one unique Katoshi K3 art
Recall that a Genesis can only be fed one Dessert of EACH type, where Desserts can be fed in any order - eg. D3, D1 then D2.
If "Mary" claims Katoshi: Genesis #3 + D2 --> Katoshi K2 Then "Mary" will: * continue to hold Genesis #3 (unaltered) * burned Dessert D2 token * claimed a Katoshi K2 with traits further evolved from Genesis #3
Because Genesis #3 already consumed Dessert D1, it means the respective Katoshi K1 to Genesis #3 has already been minted. In other words, holder "Mary" cannot feed Genesis #3 a D1 because previous holder "Mike" already did.
Lookup which Genesis have eaten Desserts >
Burning a Dessert means the token is no longer tradable and cannot be fed to a Genesis.
Ex. Assume holder "Mike" is the owner of Genesis #3 and Dessert D1: If "Mike" claims Katoshi using a D1: Genesis #3 + D1 --> Katoshi K1 Then "Mike" will: * continue to hold Genesis #3 (unaltered) * burned Dessert D1 token * claimed and now holding a Katoshi K1 with traits evolved from Genesis #3
The burned Dessert D1 token is no longer tradable, cannot be fed to a Genesis, and no longer owned by holder "Mike". Although the burned D1 is still part of the 10K OCM Desserts collection, the supply of tradable D1 Incredible Ice Pops is now minus 1.
See the OCM Dessert collection >
Snapshot for OCM Dessert was taken at block 14116777, roughly Feb. 1, 2022 at 12:00am UTC. OCM Desserts were airdropped directly to Genesis holder snapshot wallets on Feb. 11, 2022 at around 10:00am UTC.
If you owned a Genesis and it was in your wallet at the time of our snapshot, your wallet was airdropped one OCM Dessert NFT per one OCM Genesis NFT that was held in the wallet. Ex. If you held 5 OCM Genesis NFTs at the time of the snapshot, you were be airdropped 5 OCM Dessert NFTs.
Links to our Desserts smart contact, VRF Desserts Drawing smart contact and official OpenSea OCM Desserts collection are also detailed in: https://news.onchainmonkey.com/2022/02/10/onchainmonkey-desserts-are-here-now-what/
Jan. 27, 2022 - Dessert snapshot announcement
Feb. 5, 2022 - Snapshot list of Genesis wallets (OCM Genesis #, wallet address): https://raw.githubusercontent.com/metagood/OnChainMonkeyData/main/DessertSnapshot/snapshot.csv
Feb. 11, 2022 - Desserts Reveal Party where the OCM Community gathered for the randomized drawing of our Desserts collection. Drawing of Desserts was randomized and powered by Chainlink VRF: https://news.onchainmonkey.com/2022/02/10/onchainmonkey-ocm-integrates-chainlink-vrf-to-help-power-dessert-airdrop-for-ocm-karma/ See which Genesis monkeys got which desserts (OCM Genesis #, Dessert type - D1/D2/D3): https://github.com/metagood/OnChainMonkeyData/blob/main/DessertSnapshot/dessert-draw.csv
You can see your Dessert token(s) from:
OpenSea ... and/or
your wallet - depending on whether it natively displays ERC-1155 tokens (If your wallet does not, no need to panic. You can confirm ownership via Etherscan which will reflect all of the data, which is fully on the Ethereum blockchain.)
If viewing your Dessert tokens from MetaMask, we recommend viewing and accessing them from MetaMask desktop, instead of MetaMask mobile to stay NFT safe and secure.
OCM Desserts are ERC-1155 tokens, which means the Dessert tokens will appear stacked in your OpenSea wallet view. In other words, if you have multiple Dessert tokens of one type, you will only see one Dessert token image with more than one in quantity.
To view your Desserts on your OpenSea account, "Collected" section: * on desktop - the view will show the quantity under each Dessert type held * on mobile - you'll need to first log into your OpenSea profile to see the same view
Alternatively, you can go to your OpenSea account and navigate to "Activity" to view the quantity of each Dessert type your wallet currently holds.
If you're viewing from a mobile device, expand the +More link for each Dessert type to view the quantity of each.