Which OCM Genesis Have Eaten Desserts?
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1. From the Gallery menu pull-down, navigate to the Genesis Gallery page.
2. To view whether a Genesis has consumed a Dessert, you can:
Method A: Use the Hasn't Eaten Desserts filter
Method B: Specify the Genesis token ID
Method A: Filter Genesis results by "Hasn't Eaten Desserts" 3A. Click the + to expand the Hasn't Eaten Desserts filter in the left search panel.
Method B: View whether a Genesis has eaten a Dessert by their Genesis token ID 3B. Specify the Genesis token ID in the left search panel, and click Search.
4. Click on the Genesis image card to view its Genesis profile page. Under its Desserts section:
A colorful Dessert icon means the Genesis monkey has already eaten that Dessert type.
Remember, regardless of the Genesis owner, each Genesis can only ever consume ONE of each Dessert Type (D1, D2 or D3).
Katoshi ID #10001+ = Incredible Katoshi K1 created from a Genesis eating a D1 Incredible Ice Pop Dessert
Katoshi ID #20001+ = Divine Katoshi K2 created from a Genesis eating a D2 Divine Donut Dessert
Katoshi ID #30001+ = Celestial Katoshi K3 created from a Genesis eating a D3 Celestial Cake Dessert Ex. In the example above, if Katoshi token IDs #15801, #25801 and #35801 existed, then it would mean Genesis ID #5801 has eaten a D1, D2 and D3, respectively.