OCM Meta-Traits
What are meta-traits?
Besides the 7 individual OCM traits (Background, Fur, Mouth, Eyes, Clothes, Hat and Earring), meta-traits are traits based on a combination of the individual traits like a Genesis/Katoshi monkey that is wearing a Hat, but no Clothes. There are many possible meta-traits.
Physical Meta-Traits - e.g."naked" where the Genesis has no Hat, no Clothes and no Earring, or "color match" where Genesis is wearing a two-tone Hat and its Clothes (shirt and pocket) colors match perfectly.
Numerical Meta-Traits - e.g. "4-zero", where four of its traits have 0 as attribute values
Trait numbers = 0, i.e. no clothing or accessories. Interestingly, on the opposite end of the spectrum of high trait numbers is owning traits with a value of 0. Owning 0 traits in certain combinations is also desirable. -- Naked Monkey - Genesis (<3 %) | Katoshi -- Tagged Monkey - Genesis (1%) | Katoshi, clothes-less monkey with an earring -- Magic Monk - Genesis (15%) | , clothes-less monkey wearing a hat
Color matching of hat and clothes. Monkeys where the hat and clothes colors match perfectly is valued. -- Reverse-color match - Genesis (< 1%) | Katoshi -- Color-match - Genesis (< 2%) | Katoshi -- Solid hat color-match - Genesis (< 2%) | Katoshi
Genesis Trait Name & Attribute Values
Genesis *
Incredible Katoshi K1 *
Divine Karma K2 *
Fur trim color = Mouth color
Fur face color = Mouth color
Monkey with no Clothes, no Hat and no Earring Clothes=0, Hat=0, Earring=0
Monkey with no Clothes and no Hat, with an Earring Clothes=0, Hat=0, Earring=1+
Magic Monk
Monkey with no Clothes, and wearing a Hat Clothes=0, Hat = 1+
Clothes shirt = Hat crown color Clothes pocket = Hat band color
Reverse Color-Match
Clothes shirt = Hat band color Clothes pocket = Hat crown color
Solid Hat Color-Match
Hat crown = Hat band color Clothes shirt = Hat color
4-Zeroes Clothed
Any 4 Traits with attributes = 0 and clothed
K1 4-Zeroes Clothed
4-Zeroes Naked
Any 4 Traits with attributes = 0 and naked
K1 4-Zeroes Naked
5-Zeroes Clothed
Any 5 Traits with attributes = 0 and clothed
< 1%
5-Zeroes Naked
Any 5 Traits with attributes = 0 and naked
Any 6 Traits with attributes = 0
* Genesis, Incredible Katoshi K1 and Divine Katoshi K2 images are examples from our Genesis and Katoshi collections. Check out the Genesis traits/metatraits transformation to Katoshi K1 & K2 traits >
Additional Meta-Traits Info
More stats in public GitHub repo: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/metagood/OnChainMonkeyData/main/MonkeyTraits.txt
Another (old) doc with trait data: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rKyeAbco-WAAg7p-JZ_BYboSLsbJ4cqx-GTb8eXJY6o/edit#gid=0
Last updated