OCM Traits

What are Traits?

Traits are characteristics that distinguish one NFT token from the rest of the NFTs in the collection.

OCM Genesis, OCM Katoshi and OCM Dimensions 300 are a combination of these 7 traits - Fur, Mouth, Eyes, Clothes, Hat, Earring and Background.

OCM Traits Distribution

OCM Genesis is a collection of 10,000 NFTs composed of 171 different traits that are uniquely distributed.

# of Traits
Trait Name

* The lack of hat, clothes, or earring is also counted as a trait for those attributes.

Why are the trait attributes all numbers?

Two main reasons, first being it saves space storing number attributes on chain. Second, numbers are easier to map when future contracts want to use OCM as the “DNA” for their NFT collections. For example, if someone were to create a Monkey Fortune Cookie NFT (that creates a fortune cookie message as an NFT for reach OCM), the number attributes would be easy to use.

Anatomy of a Genesis monkey

Although Fur, Hat and Clothes are traits, they are each comprised of two components:

  • Fur: fur trim and fur face

  • Hat: hat crown and hat band

  • Clothes: clothes shirt and clothes pocket

There are a number of OCM traits that the OCM Community values more than others. Whether its based on rarity, visual appeal or a combination of both, these are some of the most sought after traits:

  • Fur

  • Earring

  • Traits with Highest Number: The higher the Trait number, the more rare and desirable the monkey, i.e. Fur=18, Mouth=32, Eyes=22, Hat=36, Clothes=43, Earring=6.

  • Trait attribute numbers = 0: Interestingly, on the opposite end of the spectrum of high trait numbers is owning traits with a value of 0, i.e. monkey with no clothing or accessories. Owning zero-traits in certain combinations is also desirable like meta-traits Naked, Tagged, Magic Monk.

  • Color matching of hat and clothes. Monkeys, where the hat and clothes colors match perfectly, are valued.

For Genesis, our origin and historic collection:

OCM Genesis Traits Transformation to OCM Katoshi Traits

What OCM Genesis traits and meta-traits evolve into OCM Katoshi Incredible K1 and Divine K2 traits? Here's a quick view of their trait transformations:

  • Check out examples of Genesis trait transformations in each of specific traits pages, like Fur, Clothes, Earring, etc., to see examples of Genesis meta-trait transformations.

Last updated