On-Chain? One Transaction? SVG?

What does it mean to be on-chain?

“Completely on chain” means everything is written on the Ethereum mainnet blockchain. This is the most secure way to create an NFT, and few NFTs have achieved this. Almost all NFTs store their image and metadata off chain in some other data store (ie, Google Cloud, IPFS), and the blockchain is only used to point to the off chain storage location. Those NFTs are not as secure as OCM where everything is completely stored on the native blockchain.

How can I tell if my NFT is on-chain or off-chain?

What is significant about being the first to achieve completely on-chain in one transaction?

First, there is historic importance to being the first to achieve something. Second, there is value in creating NFT collections both on chain and in one transaction. The tradeoff for the security that comes from hosting the images on-chain is that anything on chain is extremely expensive. OCM was able to keep the cost down by compressing everything into a single contract that was only ~10kb. To put this in perspective, the typical PFP collection takes over 100 megabytes of storage space. The cost of storing those images on-chain would likely be astronomical, over 5,000 ETH at today’s gas prices. OCM was able to compress the data by over 4 orders of magnitude because the smart contract on-chain actually generates the image from its components parts each time it is queried. OCM only used 0.798 ETH to deploy everything on-chain. By showing that this is possible, we believe more projects will launch on-chain.

Why are the Genesis images SVG? How can I view them?

SVG image files are very small and also vector based, so they look good zoomed in or zoomed out. SVG are viewable in any browser.

A detailed write-up on why OCM Genesis images are SVG:

If you need a PNG copy of your OCM Genesis to update your social media profile pics (PFPs), you can download them here.

Where can I find OCM Genesis meta-data?

Check out our GitHub repository: https://github.com/metagood/OnChainMonkeyData

Last updated